Homespun Charms

By MaryMouse

Meeting Rosie and Stanley - at last!

Drove down to Blipping daughter, (Wistful Moments), for an overnight visit. I've been looking forward to meeting these two who I have heard so much about. This is the first of many pictures I took. Most of them were blurred images, a forte of mine! Having said that, trying to catch one let alone two kittens sitting absolutely still is virtually impossible.The entertainment continued non-stop. I suspect they fell fast asleep exhausted once when we went out to shop.
I [i]really needed[/i] some new walking shoes etc and once inside a very nice outdoor shop in Solihull there was no hope. Very pleased with what I got and I can just about manage the mortgage payments.The kitties were equally pleased with the carrier bag and shoe box when we returned and they resumed frantic activity before we left again to go out for an evening meal. Brilliant day K, thanks.

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