Bonnington Road

And so another day where more Cigs are found than blipped; there is a Cigsblipsurplus currently. Who knew?

Today's celebrity Cigs spotter is none other than meles who worked out (via the 36 bus) that it was Professor Plum in the library with the rope. Er I mean who clocked a couple more for me to go and photograph.

So after a day of mostly tying up loose ends and making sure
(a) all Christmas money was spent
(b) they all had sufficient clothes to wear for school in the morning
(c) that I had sufficient clothes to wear to work in the morning
(d) haircuts had duly been administered

Then it was off to the Fort to spend G's money on jeans and tops and lip balm and - I think that was it? Seemed a lot longer for four things. Enlivened (well, at least for Alex) by the arrival of the fire brigade at McDs, we roamed the clothes emporia and generally arsed around, tiring them out in the guise of shopping.

Unless the read this they'll never know I deliberately parked in the furthest corner to maximise the mileage I could get out of them.

Home to mine to feed them all before heading back across town to drop G and as I was leaving I glanced at blip and saw the message giving me the nod for this one on Bonnington Road. Previously a Youtz and Deli graced the walls but after a redecoration job, there's now 2 decent sized Cigs there. So it seemed rude as it was only a 2.5 mile detour to get thispractically in the way there.

Here's one. Black outline (I think, it was dark) dated 2015 with added light trails from the cooncil bin lorry.

Work tomorrow.

*exhales slowly, mournfully*

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