...before computers. Games that I was brought up with in my childhood.
Ludo & Table Skittles are fun but the interesting one is the Pyramid Patience which I could never do. Dad on the other hand could...sometimes. The idea of the game is to get all of the pyramid pieces from one side to the other. You can only move 1 piece at a time & you can not place a larger piece on top of a small piece. Each piece must be placed on a peg when moved....

An interesting thing regarding the LUDO board.it clearly says Made in England & yet the spelling on it is not the Queen's English...10 points if you can spot the problem

Popped out to the chemist this am but I must do some tidying & chucking out in my study which not only needs decorating but also needs drastic action to make it look tidier.

A damp windy day & cooler but hey I can see some sunshine !

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