Chocolate Party!

We've had a super awesome day today celebrating A's birthday! We met up with all the family for lunch at the local pub. We had a lovely meal and the children spent a good amount of time in the play area.

We then all headed back to ours for the party to really start! A had requested a chocolate party so whilst he got stuck into his presents I got a chocolate fountain set up for him. The children all thought it was amazing. We had lots of marshmallows, bananas, strawberries and mini doughnuts to dip into the chocolate which was super yummy! I think they all ate their body weight in sugar, so once cleaned up we focused their attention on pass the parcel and pin the tail on the donkey. A was a bit of a cheat and kept peeping under the blindfold!

It was then time to sing happy birthday and blow out the candles on the cake.

Can't believe my baby boy is 3 tomorrow. He will be going to school next year! I want him to stay little forever but love seeing him grow and change. I love him more everyday. He's my happy, funny, cheeky, little man.

Calories eaten : 1363
Steps taken : 4070 (oops)

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