
2years 159days

Monkey that is. He's always the one she turns to in those tired, bumped or uncertain times, when she just needs a friend in her arm.

There was a big rainstorm this morning. A really big one. It was bouncing down horrendously, off the roof, off the pool cover on the swimming pond. And so at 3.50 am, Katie woke up. And stayed awake. She was in the bath before 5am. She played beautifully for a couple of hours, before very snuggly time when I thought she may go back to sleep.

We played some more before heading out to gymnastics. For the first time she finally decided to jump off the vault by herself, rather than holding a finger of mummy's. She then decided she really liked that and did it over and over. She is getting a wonderfully controlled jump on the trampette now. When it was bars and beam time, she of course went to the bars first. She did some really good walks over the beams, but mostly wanted to hang from the underside of the full size beam. She was impressive, holding all her own weight by her arms til she kicked her feet up round it too and hung "like a monkey". For ages!

After gymnastics we met Harrison & Aiden to play at the soft play with gymanstics. It was lovely to see them, the three of them just got on with it like they'd never been apart and ran at greatspeed for a good long time. Our neighbour offered to pick us up as it was raining, dropped me off and took Katie with them to a school assembly she was going to.

My very very tired KatieMoo arrived home about 4pm, fighting sleep and ready for big Mummy and Monkey snuggles. It took the promise of her first ever viewing of Peter Pan and Tinkerbell to keep her from curling up and sleeping there and then.

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