A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Bright and bubbly


You know how some days your picture is completely linked to, or representative of your day, and some days it is there just to make a mockery of the day you didn't have?

It was kind of going okay until I dropped a heavy metal chair on my foot and spent thirty minutes in pain thinking I had possibly broken it. And then I got a slightly unexpected tax bill. Well the bill was expected but the magnitude was not. And then J wasn't up to going on our planned outing. And then I somehow let myself go into a tailspin...and I don't think I've done much worthwhile or useful since.

Lovely Carlos has responded by sending me reassuring, keep the faith style stories of folks with positive HBOT experiences.

I did a couple of work things but my heart wasn't quite in it and I don't think I covered myself in any glory.

The day isn't over so perhaps I can salvage something...

A dog walk. Collecting Anna from drama class. And then sofa, curry, wine and a movie. We haven't seen Bridesmaids in a while perhaps that might do it. Or after all the recent talk of Life of Brian we should probably rewatch that. Not sure it will make me feel any less useless but perhaps it might cheer me up a bit.

Good job this isn't my blip plea entry, eh?

Lesley x

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