Merry Christmas 2015!

So despite the negotiations last night concerning the morning wake-up time, Olivia slept in until 7:10am! Dex only work up 10 minutes before and was so patient waiting for her. When Olivia realised what she'd done she literally flung herself into our bedroom! We keep all four stockings at the bottom of our bed and our tradition is to open them in bed all together, but we all have to take it in turns to pull a present out one at a time (Olivia's rule) so we can all see what each other got. The kids thought it was hilarious when I pulled out my third pair of identical running socks! "Santa really knows you Mummy!" was the response from Olivia. They loved their little gifts from Lapland such as cuddly Husky dogs and special Finnish Santa chocolates.

Once the stockings were finished it was time to move downstairs to see if he'd left anything else. Well, he'd certainly left a mess, just like last year with sooty footprints across the floor, crumbs and half nibbled carrots. We opened some presents - the kids were delighted with their main presents before we sat down and had breakfast. We face timed my parents and then opened some more presents. Before we knew it was time for our traditional Christmas day family photo in front of the tree! Hubby cooked a lovely Christmas meal for us - we decided to go for lamb this year with all the trimmings without overdoing it, which was perfect. Even the kids approved!
We then got ready to head over to a friend's house for some Christmas celebrations. Olivia had prepared a large amount of entertainment which included a quiz, a puppet show, a song and jokes. She did a brilliant job and we had so much fun.
There were still some presents under the tree when we got back home this evening but we decided to wait until tomorrow to open them. Olivia declared that this was the best Christmas ever and can't believe how well Santa knows her (who knew clip on earrings would be such a success!).

Another really lovely day. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas wherever or however you celebrated!

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