Merry Christmas 2016!

Wow, another Christmas. They seem to come round quick, but not quick enough for the kids! 
We opened our stockings in bed, as usual, before going down stairs to see if the big man had been. Dexter is always astonished at the mess Santa makes with sooty footprints, and crumbs everywhere. Olivia always leaves a letter for Santa and so was too absorbed with reading his response to notice the mess! We opened some presents, ate breakfast, facetimed family members, opened more presents, played, ate Christmas dinner - we had turkey this year which is the first time in a long time, did our traditional family photo and then we decided to catch the train into Brussels to see the Christmas sound and light show in the Grand Place. 
Admittedly I was a little nervous going into a major city centre after the recent terrorism attacks (Berlin) and I was super alert and there was a noticeable increase in security, but I needn't have worried as we had a fantastic time. We got there for 5pm which is the first show and it was brilliant, as was the atmosphere! 
Afterwards we went to see the Mannekin Pis who had dressed up in his Santa outfit for the occasion much to our amusement, treat ourselves to hot Liege waffles (delicious), had a wander down to the Bourse where we marvelled at the lights and decorations and Christmas market stalls, and then we headed home on the train.
It was a slightly different Christmas day for us this year, but one that was very relaxed and enjoyable. 
Merry Christmas!

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