
Up very early this morning to be ready for our flight from Boston to Miami.  The taxi ride to Logan was lickety split at 8:30 on a Sunday morning, and we sailed through security in about 5 minutes!  There was a delay once we'd boarded the plane, but eventually we took off in the pouring rain and gusty winds.  It was a pretty bumpy flight -- something that I didn't particularly enjoy -- but we arrived safe and sound.  As we landed, I looked out the window, and could count seven cruise ships docked at the terminal.  None of them was our ship -- it's not due in to Miami until Wednesday!

These palm trees definitely let us know we are not in New England any more!

PS:  I forgot to mention the alarming phone conversation we got to listen to on the plane right after we boarded!  The woman behind us called who we presume was her doctor, and then proceeded to discuss her condition.  It seems her rash is getting worse, and spreading!  Both of us immediately started to feel itchy!!!!!

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