A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Today has been hard. J has a fever and is really not well. Obviously hasn't been to oxygen and we can only see what the rest of the week will bring.

I'm finding it almost impossible to get back into any sort of a working brain and to focus on what needs to be done. Very soon I will have no choice or it will become a big problem. I'm torn between feeling stressed at what I'm not doing and starting to feel like I want to give it all up but I think giving up on it would be a mistake for many reasons. So I need to make my brain focus and get it done. When I can switch off from everything else and have some time and can get into it then it is nice escapism oddly so that will be my mission for the week.

Today my mission has mainly been to hide behind my woolly scarf. And to refocus efforts on recall training with the recalcitrant pup.

Lesley x

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