Robin at large

By Robin

Aberdeen Fun Beach

Well it is called Aberdeen Fun Beach. Not much fun to be had today, wet and windy, not to mention cold. It was 12 degrees when I checked this morning.

Such is my devotion to Blip Duty I got quite wet looking for some fun down at the beach, but I failed to find any. I did see a few souls who did not seem to be having much fun though. I also went down to the harbour were there was some activity, but this photo seems to better sum up the day.

It started off by raining, and has subsequently just got heavier and heavier. Thankfully not much chance of flooding in my area, water should just run down the hill. Roads may be bad though, but surely, in Aberdeen of all places, we are used to the rain, and any issues would have surfaced (or maybe sunk) many years ago. Dare I look at the forecast for tomorrow, or will it be more of the same?

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