Robin at large

By Robin

Same Sea, Different World.

Today Aberdeen had some sunshine, but it clouded over in the afternoon. Hard to believe that 24 hours ago I was on the same sea, sitting in the sunshine, not a lot further south, yet with a very different temperature. What a difference a day makes. Gone are the says of sitting in the garden of the hotel having breakfast, or enjoying an after dinner drink. I must think about taking another holiday soon, and somewhere warmer than Aberdeen.

I must be suffering a bout of post vacation blues. Visited the supermarket today, and have the first of many laundries on at the moment. Definitely feels like life is back to something like normal.

The lighthouse marks the southerly entrance to the harbour. On the far right there is a speck of orange not visible at this resolution, it is the lifeboat returning to Aberdeen, perhaps an exercise. I am not sure what the structure in the right foreground is, I suspect it might be part of the wartime defences.

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