Just a cat in the snow
Woke up to find it had snowed through the night. Not a great amount but from what I have heard on the news it caused a lot of traffic problems this morning. Tino and Lily were none to keen on venturing outdoors but Lily was bravest and stayed out for a bit. My extra shots show the view from my front window and Tino looking out at the snow.
I didn't have any need to go out anywhere so I have just spent a day at home. I got my snow shovel out and cleared the front drive this afternoon. It was freezing cold. The temp hasn't gone above zero all day. My weather station has been flashing " Ice Alert " constantly.
I need to go to Newcastle tomorrow afternoon so I hope road conditions are OK.
Sad news that Alan Rickman has passed away. He was a great actor. Same age as David Bowie too.
Steps today 4,059
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