
By LadyPride

Shift work

I'm out. Alone. No baby. Writing this from a cafe, sat in the sun with the weekend papers and an expresso.

My husband and I decided to divide the day into two five hour shifts with Audrey (aka The Sleep Terrorist). We both decided that we wanted some 'alone time '; first chance in a month since she was born to kick back with no baby or work responsibilities.

I got the 7am until midday shift with Audrey, he has midday until 5pm. I selected mine on the basis that the extra sleep would probably do me more harm than good as I'm training my body to survive on less. Plus, I'd seen the weather forecast and knew an afternoon in the sun would be a real tonic for me.

My husband picked his slot as he wanted something called A Lie In (nope, never heard of it either???) and as Audrey generally sleeps in the afternoon he figures he'd be "winning" as he puts it.

We'll see. Right now with the sun on my face and another few hours stretching ahead of me, I taste victory.....

Today's blip pic is of the cafe I had coffee in. Found it on a back street of our bohemian Manchester suburb. Its a coffee, cake and craft hub apparently. You can rock up, order a coffee, paint a plate or make a homemade birthday card if the mood strikes you. Imagine having the time to do things like that. Must be nice.

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