Beech Road Festival

It was the Beech Road Festival again today (see pic). It was called off last year as the year before, it had been a baking hot day like today and half of Manchester turned up, swamping our suburb. The shops on Beech Road sold out of alcohol and as night descended it all kicked off with gangs fighting and trashing the place. All the residents complained and it was canceled as a result.

It was finally brought back this year but rebranded as a Family Fun Day. It was great fun and having had a picnic in the meadows with Angus and Audrey this morning, Audrey and I enjoyed hanging out at the festival. We ate Thai food and danced in the street to a band. Then we parked up and picnic'd in the park by our friends' clothes stand for Audrey's tea.

Unfortunately as 7pm arrived so did the Manchester gangs (drunk, tops off, squaring up to one-another) resulting in a massive street brawl witnessed from our bedroom window. Audrey couldn't sleep through all the shouting and sirens. Such a shame it had to be spoiled by troublemakers.

A great Sunday outdoors though. Missed Andy Murray sadly but you can't do everything I guess!

Packing for my adventure tomorrow, then an early night (if the street stays quiet enough).

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