
By FarmerGirl

Reflective moodiness

We woke to fine rain this morning, but by the time we had got up and had breakfast, the rain had stopped.  We walked down to the lake, where the Nelson Jet Boat club were getting ready to partake in a boat 'rally' on the lake.  We met up with a couple of locals from Murchison, who belong to the club.  They were about to launch their jet boat into the water.

After all the boats left, we decided to go for a rather 'long' walk around the water front.  I didn't quite realise it was such a long walk, which took us through beautiful native bush.  It was lovely listening to the birds as we walked along the track.  After walking for about an hour, we arrived back where we started - totally exhausted.  Just goes to show how unfit I am!

We arrived back at the caravan, had a leisurely lunch, packed up and headed back home. 

I took this photo of Lake Rotoiti on our walk.  The day did clear up - but the sun didn't arrive until lunch time. 

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