Blue Monday

So, this is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year. It feels ok to me, although I did spend a large proportion of the day barricaded in the sitting room. I heard a crash upstairs and immediately thought someone had broken in. Moments later the cat appeared in the hall with a live mouse in her mouth then proceeded to drop it, chase it and play with it while I watched her through the glass door, wishing she would just put the poor thing out of its misery. Spiders I can deal with but I'm not good with live rodents. It escaped into the utility room where, I presume it either a) escaped b) crawled behind something and died.
I'm expecting D to discover its dried up little body in his tool bag next time he does some DIY.
2 reasons to be cheerful: There's a drop of prosecco In the fridge from yesterday and this is my 700th Blip. Hurrah!

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