my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm


A lovely day today.

Long chatty lunch in Kro, a visit to the Manchester Museum (where I got to do my best Dickie Attenborough "We have a T-Rex" impression. I KNOW! #winwin)

..and as new traditions dictate...we reached up and touched things that had big DO NOT TOUCH signs on them.

A memorable visit to Johnny Roadhouse where my friend just picked a guitar up, plugged it in and showed me that he is indeed a brilliant guitarist. It was amazing.

It has been the week for school fairs and we have previously opined about how rubbish the prizes on offer were - today I got given a present. The prize he won at 'balancing the pennies' at his school fair on Friday. It was boxed and wrapped beautifully


Back home for 7.45pm. Reflecting on a nice day. A lot of memories to stick in a jar.

It is my girls school fair tomorrow...can't wait to take them! I have been given a tip on how to finally hit the rat in a pipe. 4 Seconds is the key. 4 seconds people.


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