my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Katie Smyth's Diary

Thursday 7 July

126 lb (but eaten lots of Sports Mixture), alcohol units: 4 glasses of wine (last night but have an excuse as was on date), cigarettes 0.

Food consumed today:
2 pieces of Marmite on toast
1 mug of hot tea
1 Mozzarella, tomato and pesto sandwich
1 half pizza

Strange day, woke up and did the weigh in and had lost 5lbs..putting it down to stress of work / ill mother /potential date with Mr Darcy!

But, work will have to be dealt with. Mum will have to have her op and Mr Darcy was lovely and hoping to see him again at the weekend. He's a great cook so he can feed me up :)

Blip is the girls 'bubble mountain' they built tonight! They had a good time and laughed a lot before bed.

"A smile starts on the lips, A grin spreads to the eyes, A chuckle comes from the belly, But a good laugh bursts forth from the soul, Overflows, and bubbles all around"

Carolyn Birmingham

Thanks to Miss Bridget Jones for the inspiration.

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