3 Bob Alphabet Challenge : L (Day 255)

The weather wasn't looking particularly promising this morning when we got up, but at least it wasn't windy.
My beautiful wife headed out with the dogs while I went off to Stromness to fit a basin, move some pipework around and fit a towel rail. After that I had a house to visit to drain down their entire hot and cold water systems, and then on to look at a leaky loo in Orphir. The loo needs a new one so there will be another visit there this week sometime.
On the way back from Orphir I had to stop and take a shot of the last light kissing the top of Hoy. It is the only pic I took today and I think it fits reasonably well with the challenge of L.
Bob seems to have taken to nocturnal blipping and did his challenge pic for today shortly after midnight. It is a great shot.

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