Hoy from Refuge Corner (Day 616)
The day started pleasantly enough with a dry wander, mild wander up the hill with the woofers.
Things took a bit of a downturn later when went to work to deal with a macerator that wasn't working properly. They really are horrible things and I did get coated in unmentionable substances. I eventually found the problem was a cloth wedged in the gubbins of the unit. The customer insisted that he and his family have never put a cloth down the loo. I asked if he had taken to eating string. Having spent all morning working on it, and having put it all back together, it didn't work. I suspect that there is a problem with a switch inside it, and will find out tomorrow when I return to the job.
I had to give up and dash home to get the dogs out for a wander and, once I had cleaned up, we piled into the van and zoomed off to Wasdale. The walk there was less eventful than yesterday and the dogs thoroughly enjoyed themselves. I liked the view from where I parked the van to start the walk.
The best bit of the day has been my beautiful wife coming home from her stupidly long shift at work.
(There has been no cycling today)
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