Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Another Archie-less day

Camila is very keen to take Archie most days, actually - I think she doesn't have enough lectures to keep her busy. This won't happen, but we decided to do it again today, so that he gets to know her.

JR dropped Archie off there this morning, as it's sort of on her way, only the drop-off did not go well. The short of it being that she was later than normal at school, and couldn't get a park and had to walk miles. Not happy.

Anyway, I had my free day planned. Washing done, rubbish emptied, fire set, firewood brought in - then off into town to see the BP Portrait Awards at the Portrait Gallery. Always worth a visit, but as always, the winning ones were a mystery... This sneaky shot was taken through the glass lift shaft.

I took the bus into town, then instead of walking too far (I get quite tired) I hopped on a tram. I had declared that I would never use those big white elephants, but that was a while ago when I was relatively fit.

I nipped into a wee cafe I had spotted in the weekend Guardian. 'Wee' being the operative word. But a very delicious flat white. And very nice music. Not screechy at all.

The city is a dismal sight in January, because once the festive stuff is taken down, all that is left are vast expanses of mud in Princes Street Gardens and St Andrew's Square. The mud will stay there for months till new grass is laid.

Popped in to get milk on the way home. Oh look! Magnums are on special! Working out at 50p each, I had to get a box. Except, in my excitement, I bought Classic ones, when everyone knows the best ones are the Almond ones. I shall have to force them down.

Archie had another nice day with his new friend. And he was home well before his tea time, so he was happier. But the early morning drop-off will not happen again. He and I always have a bit of a snuggle in bed for an hour or so, so I missed that today. We can have an extra long one tomorrow to make up hehehe...

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