Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

The Donald's Coming

A little old (actually, of indeterminate age) chap appeared at the door, obviously selling something (we had a man the other day asking if we'd like to buy fresh fish from Whitby...). Archie was barking so much, I just said, 'No thanks,' and began to shut the door. Poor chap, he blurted out that Christine sent him. Aha! He was the window cleaner she'd passed on. And what a lovely job he did too. It's quite a skill.

While I was out admiring the streak-free windows, I took a notion to fix the anti-pigeon spikes. I had thought I was buying those thin metal spikes that you can hardly notice. No. They're whopping big white plastic spikes. They look positively scary. And I'm not a pigeon. Still, if they work...

Watched Andy winning his match while stretching my hamstrings.

Archie got quite excited when I said, 'Donald's coming', but when he realised Donald wasn't a new dog walker, he lost interest. Anne, our visiting American, arrived just in time to hear the end of his inauguration speech, on purpose, I think. She came for tea and a binge 'Stranger Things' Netflix evening. I've resisted it for ages - not keen on supernatural gobbledegook - but the kids' acting is very good.

Edit: Just read all this about copyright in blip images. I'll change my thumbnail, but I'm obviously not claiming I took the photo of Trump.

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