Gitama's World

By Gitama

The Time Theif and a Little Bit of Kultooure

At the Tweed Art Gallery today after viewing my friend Gatyas ‘Luscious Exhibition’ and  the selected finalist Painting from the prestigious Archibald Portrait Prize I nicked off to have another look at Margaret Olleys house…which….. after her death has been re-created inside of the Gallery ..if interested here is a link to follow...I just cant seem to get the link thing to work(
As I was taking pics of the kitchen and then the  lounge room I noticed this little thief pilfering a lovely gold fob watch from on top of the cabinet. Somebody else had noticed to and called out to him….as he swung around red handed I was lucky to get this pic of him looking very cute and just a wee bit guilty.
He scampered off so quickly that he left a few scattered cushions in his wake.
I was secretly glad he wasn’t caught and wondered if he was clever enough to tell the time or was it the beautiful colour of gold that inspired his misdemeanour.

Besides all that excitement it was a lovely day poodling about the Gallery with my friend Zom....always good to go to an Art Gallery with a fabulous Artist that's for sure.

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