After the Storm & When the Cats Away

I had wanted to get to the beach but a storm blew in and I was too lazy to get out and about in it.

His Mum is out for the night so the boy and I decided to turn all the lights off and play out our own version of Star Wars with the light sabres (extra).........just wish I was a bit younger but even so I gave that little terror a run for his money....and nothing was broken...phew!

As we were putting out the garbage we saw that the sky was just so awesome.......I grabbed my camera and we ran down the road to a place where I could take some decent shots of the sky...(I have to say here that very little fiddling has been done to this).

As I was uploading the pics to my computer the kid stood behind me on my chair ruffing up my hair...jumping all over me and generally being very annoying. I realised that even though I feel affection and I love to hug my friends and family hello I actually only like being touched on my terms...I'm not one of those women that like facials or head massages..I reckon they are rather creepy (weird I know)...I think that Flynn is the only one I have ever let have carte blanche ever.

“Hallo, Rabbit,” he said, “is that you?”
"Let’s pretend it isn’t,” said Rabbit, “and see what happens.”
A.A. Milne

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