3 Bob Alphabet Challenge : O (Day 258)

The rain came back today. It was torrential as I walked the dogs up the hill on a path which resembled a river. The road to town was mostly puddles and my journey to get bits for a job took longer than normal. After town I headed to Orphir to change a loo. A normally straightforward job seemed beset with various problems and it took me longer than it should have done. I had a couple of little things to do in Stromness, and headed home after them. Unfortunately I was too late to get out for a walk with my beautiful wife and the dogs in the brightening afternoon.
I was a bit stuck for inspiration for a blip today until I saw the Stones of Stenness, and thought that they would do for a blip. They are pretty old after all.
The wifeycle and I are off to see a movie this evening, after fish and chips for dinner :)
Bob's blip will be worth a look to see if he has done something odd...

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