A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

That'll learn ya

Because no mean word should go unpunished here is today's JPB. And no, I'm not sharing it with any of you. Well perhaps KathGordon, JohnSmiley and Caffeinated. But no-one else shall partake.

A kind of worky sort of a day but lots of good things...I took Anna to RCM which, aside from roadie duties, leaves quite a good solid chunk of uninterrupted work time which I put to pretty good use. Home for some laundry and delicious baking duties. Followed by long dog walk and play in the park.

Home to work on the project of equal bonkersness and excitement. (I know it is super annoying to be coy but I don't feel quite ready to let the cat out of the bag. And no that isn't a clue).

And I think we are starting the slide towards a fire, a curry and a combination of lovely family telly (The Getaway Car and The Voice) and grown-up telly (The Man in the High Castle - thank you muchly SooB).

J had a good tank session (20) and a lively, laughter filled play with a friend this afternoon.

Anna - I have no idea as after RCM she has been at dancing and is now at a party.

Lesley x

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