Poor Lime ....

... he's had a bit of a gooey eye for a few days but when I went down last night it was all closed up and sore so I called the vet out today. He has a small ulcer on his eye. The vet sedated him and put all this green dye in his eye so we could see it, and then she removed all the dead Cornelia from around the ulcer (he was sedated!). She was a bit concerned by how much had been damaged so she wants to see him again next week. In the meantime I need to do battle putting two lots of eye drops in twice a day. Not easy when you're 6 /12 mths pregnant and he sticks his nose in the air. Hopefully it will all heal okay - the vet said 95% of them do. Fingers crossed.

This is his I-deserve-a-treat-for-that-Mum face. Irrisistable!

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