Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

St Pancras Lovers

Had a really good day today - down to London for a conference for work, which I was dreading but turned out to be really good. Brimming with ideas to take back to work and feeling very motivated, which is a nice feeling. Didn't sleep well last night - I am a big chicken about travelling in cities without Mr EG cos of the scary tube and getting lost etc, but I sold myself short and I managed fine.

Met some v nice people too (you have to be wary of any conference that writes 'Lunch and opportunity for networking' in their programme & the sort of people that attracts) and also one awful woman who talked AT everyone at lunch about how she 'knows all the top doctors in London' Phar Phar Phar Phar Phar. Also met a nice lady on the train who was going for a job interview to be an air stewardess - she said she went to an assessment day last week and had just a 2 min interview to prove herself to get to the next stage. Seems a bit harsh to me! Surely you would have to talk REALLY fast. I hope she got the job as she was really nice but I will never find out unless I bump into her on a flight to Bahrain as that was where the job was to be based. But i am not planning to go to Bahrain any time soon - I don't even know where it is or how to spell it!

And I saw an old friend on the train (Sam) who I had not seen for about 5 years (well an ex of a friend and that is why I have not seen her for ages!) so that was bizarre but cool. Being shouted down for Thai Green Curry now - back soon to read everyone else's blips!

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