
By FarmerGirl

Family fishing

It's been a terribly humid day.  Milking the cows at lunchtime was just about unbearable,  with the humidity and heat created by two sets of cows standing in the bales being milked.  I was pleased to get home to get my overalls off and cool down.   I've been a bit 'zonked' out this afternoon, which I put down to the heat, so I spent a bit of time reading and having a wee afternoon nap.

After lunch I had to go to the supermarket.  Our wee town was packed - obviously lots of travellers stopping for a break before heading home to start work tomorrow. 

After the supermarket visit, we went down to the river, where the Mangles River meets the Buller River.  It was lovely and peaceful.  After I had taken a few photos, a young family arrived, and enjoyed spending a bit of time fishing.  I'm not sure they caught anything, but it was lovely seeing Dad spending time with his boys (there were two), in the outdoors.

We are very lucky to have so many beautiful rivers at our back door, something we take for granted.  We have a couple of overseas fishermen staying in our cottage at the moment, who mentioned this to me yesterday, and it's really not until it is bought to our attention, that you sit back and say 'yes we are very lucky'.   Something we will have to try and remember in this very busy world.

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