Customer service update

In yesterday's tale of frustration, I mentioned the stand-off between pharmacist and GP over my repeat prescription. Today I received a call from the pharmacist telling me that I had to speak to the GPs' surgery directly.

I walked down there and explained to the receptionist that I had been ordering repeats via the pharmacist for several years but that now they said I had to do so from the GP direct. She told me that was correct and that it had never been permissible for prescriptions to be ordered via a pharmacy.  I pointed out that I had been doing that very thing, successfully, for some years. She told me I was wrong and had to fill in a form.

She printed one off and asked me to complete it.  All I had to do was tick the box to confirm that I wanted the prescription set out on the form. No signature, no further details, just a tick.

What the.....?

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