Lisa's life...

By lisa24270


This hymn is a favourite in our family and was part of the funeral service for my uncle today.

I'd never taken much notice of the words in the verses but this second one really spoke to me today...probably because after a long while I'm able to again appreciate all of nature's wonders around me :)  

Not strictly my uncle as he was my dad's cousin but he was always part of life in my formative years. An outstanding memory is of him generously getting all of us kids radios for our bikes. A rare treat at the time and very much appreciated. He was also a gangmaster back in the day and was often around while men and women riddled and bagged potatoes in my dad's shed.

A sad day of course but also nice to be nostalgic with old schoolfriends and cousins. 

See you in Heaven one day Uncle Ray :) x

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