
By LadyPride

Cookie and Joyce

Wrote the day off as was feeling out of sorts. Rather than lie in bed feeling sorry for myself (highly tempting), I decided to go and see my Grandma instead.

My Auntie who lives close by was visiting so I caught a lift with her. We were armed with lunch and bags of food for her fridge.

Grandma has been a little low with a sore throat so she was so grateful for the visit. We set about making brews and nattering the minute we got there followed by a long lunch and lots of reminiscing on her part.

She is the most incredible lady. She was put into a care home aged five with her three year old sister after her Mum died of pneumonia. She was in a really strict home with Matrons who bullied the kids. From there she went to a workhouse and eventually the Land Army.

She told us tales of the Land Army (the best years of her life) and meeting my late Grandad (who was a cook in the war and nine years her senior - known as Cookie to the Land Army girls).

We went on an adventure with her for hours as she talked of dances with gramophones, artillery guns sending her flying into potato fields as she walked home in her big heavy boots. It was like a Catherine Cookson novel.

She called our visit a miracle. Yesterday she had been in bed and feeling lonely.

I need to call her and see her more often. She's a very special lady, fantastic company and we are blessed to have her in our lives.
The thought of her being sad and lonely breaks my heart.

It was worth scrapping a day's work that's for sure. I did something so much more worthwhile.

Home for a family tea and an early night as by that point I was on my knees.

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