It's all about the carbs..

The fact that we are planning a move to Cheshire is causing much hilarity amongst our friends on social media. This damn Real Housewives of Cheshire programme (see pic, watching it for research purposes obvs) has a lot to answer for! I'm in PR and if anywhere needs a PR overhaul right now it's Cheshire - especially after that show!

Another 'meh' work day. So much to do but I don't seeming to be making in-roads this week for some reason.

I recently had a DNA profiling test as part of some work I'm doing for a client and today I had my consultation, which was fascinating. The test let's you know what you are naturally deficient in (vitamins etc.) and the way your body converts food into energy or fat.

If I was interested in losing weight I would need a 70/30 diet/exercise ratio apparently. My food intake has the biggest impact and I would need to cut my carb intake to 45% of my diet apparently (yeah right, like that is going to happen!) The guy said he had never met anyone who was as susceptible to caffeine either and he's done thousands of tests. That's it take away my bread, pasta and coffee why don't you?? All my favourite things!

Squidge had a better day at nursery and made pizza today which she was most pleased with. They'd had to stop her eating the bases before they were cooked apparently - that's my girl! Like mother like daughter eh? It's all about the carbs...

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