
By Grimsayer


As expected the pig menu at the local restaurant was ridiculous. Moving is not much of an option this afternoon. Salad with porche (throat of pork we think), boudin (sausage made of pig blood) with apples, cailette (dodgy bits with chard), roast pork, cheese then pudding and a large glass of the proprietor's medicinal hooch to finish us off. The restaurant was almost full which shows its popularity considering its position in the middle of nowhere and it being January. 
Off then to drop Tricia at her scrabble and, probably more importantly, to pick up the cider that was kindly made by the husband of one of Tricia's scrabble mates from our apples in the summer. Ten bottles picked up, several more to go. This is the view of the local town, Sablieres, from their house - a different perspective to our usual one.
Life in the fast lane.

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