Special day

VERY proud of my wee lady today. Not only was she beautiful, brave and clever during her (our) first ever piano competition, she stood up so confidently and announced both our duets with style and confidence. Then got us a second place and a merit! I was ridiculously nervous, but she was sooo cool. She's just my natural little performer. I hated the whole "everyone looking at me" - put me in an orchestra over that any day!! But she is really excited for her solo competition in 6 weeks time. And has planned with her piano teacher what she's entering next year for this festival. The list is quite wonderful. Including a nutcracker duet with her beloved teacher. 

The day was, to be honest, utterly insane. She got up and did an hour's dancing at home plus half an hour at the piano. She went to ballet and did a 90 minute class. We had a coffee with Granny and Grandad then she did the two duet classes at the music festival. It was then back to ballet for another 90 minutes of duet rehearsal. The girls have now learnt the whole of their duet and performed it for the big girls and the teachers. 

We then got a train and walked home for tea with Grandad and Granny. This kid has worked her butt off today and declared it a fantastic day!!! 

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