
5years 101days 

Little Miss woke up a bit brighter than yesterday.  It was a gorgeous, frosty morning so she enjoyed the walk to school, wrapped up in her snowgear. She's had fun singing Disney songs with the music teacher today. She's been singing "In the Jungle" and "The Elephant Parade" since she came home. She also liked story time because it was a book that we have, called The Biggest Kiss. She also made a farm "from bricks, trees and pigs". Her teacher said she was a bit more like herself today and managed to sort her own lunch. 

She didn't want to do a great deal when she got in. She sat in my bed watching the iPad for a while, and ate a huge pile of everything I could get her. She then did some school reading, a book and a poem. Her teacher had asked her to find some poems that she might like to read to her class, so we read through some of Now We are 6 and some Allan Ahlberg. She chose one then asked to choose another 3 "because I looooove the poems, I want to read lots to my friends". 

Her mouth is in that "looking pretty grim, because it's healing" stage. There is a big, ugly bruise on the inside of her mouth, but it's all her body doing the right thing. She's on the mend. Thank you for all the kind wishes for her. 

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