
... is a photo definitely only to share after all has gone smoothly, to protect my poor father's ability to sleep tonight. 

Katie decided that Every.Single.One. of her 10 monkeys should come in the doll pram to church this morning. All of them. Every one together. Not at all stressful for Mummy.... ALL the monkeys. At the same time!!! In the same place. That wasn't our house!! 

The girl woke at 6 this morning. She went to her room to play before bringing me a cup of tea at 6.45 and making her own breakfast. She then played wonderfully for another two hours. We went to the Community church this morning, with my sister and family, plus some others from our church, as our church building is broken. We were made very welcome and their church ends with a variety of cake, so a good result! Katie happily went into the children's group and came back in time for the cake, so she was happy too. 

After church we walked in to town to get a couple of bits, including a print of yesterday's blip to for a thank you card for our piano teacher. It was then to home where we made our own pizzas and jam tarts. I've managed to stock the fridge up a little with extras/leftovers which always makes me feel good at the start of what is scheduled to be a VERY busy week. We watched a little of Mrs Doubtfire as we ate lunch before she trotted off to play a bit more. 

She's all psyched and ready to go for a practise (just at home) of her festival dances and is raring to get back to working on her piano exam/solo festival pieces. Plus is on a mission to do "a lot of clarinet today, Mummy". 

PS in other news - I have realised my phone will in fact act as a hot spot for my laptop, so I can blip proper camera photos easily!! 

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