
By DramaQueen


This has been my mantra today; it's been one of those days.

First off, we awoke to find the tree at the side of the house had split, almost down the middle! Seriously?!
The main trunk divided into 3 separate limbs and we think the wind last night took hold. We did hear a noise, but didn't really think anything of it since the wind was blowing a hoolie.
Luckily (if you can call it that), it fell onto the path, rather than our (or the neighbour's house).
I had the afternoon off, so spent most of it lopping off the branches as much as I could to get them in the green bins.
Mr A will have to fell the rest of the tree tomorrow, as the way it has split means it can't be saved :-(
He does plan to plant another tree elsewhere though to make up for the loss of this one.

On top of that, part of the plastic dry verge (of course it had to be on the apex of the roof) had blown off, so when Mr A arrived home tonight, it was out with the ladders to try and fix it back on before any more blow off.

I came out of work today to find that some prat had blocked me in on the car park. Seriously?! (today's blip); a bit of detective work round the local shops led me to the culprit; the guy who owns the butty shop!

From there, Asda, to buy some dollars for our New York trip. The cashier was in training, so I don't mind things taking a bit longer but seriously?! She couldn't even count! The usual guy had to step in and help her out.

Finally as if I'd not had enough already, I ring my accountant to find out what's happening and how much my bill is going to be. He tells me he's only submitted a provisional return, to prevent me getting a penalty! SERIOUSLY?!
He's had my books since the beginning of October, so I've no idea what the heck he's been doing with them, but I have an appointment to see him this Friday to hopefully get it sorted. I think a new accountant may be required.

So that's been my Monday. How was it for you?

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