Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

High Tide

I was supposed to be at a Water of Leith work day today. Intrigued as to the state of the river following the flooding, I decided to cycle along the walkway. I must have missed an email saying the event was cancelled as I turned up slightly late and there was no sign of anyone, not even the usual "volunteers at work" sign. Instead of a a wasted trip I decided to carry along the river for a while. Two fallen trees blocking the path, several areas where the path had washed away (one part had even lifted a large chunk of tarmac a metre or two down the path). It was clear from flattened vegetation that in places the river had been a good metre to a metre and a half above it's current level. Its current level is a lot higher than it usually is.

Had a really enjoyable three hour cycle. Still didn't see any kingfishers/otters/mink etc. One day I will!

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