my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Light up, light up...

Today was a better day at work...the air has cleared after the stressful couple of weeks and I think we are moving forward. I don't LIKE not liking my job. Because we all know I love my job.

The girls were great tonight...although E did have a big chat with me and suggested that if I *really* saved up properly I could take them on holiday after all.

My heart broke, this will be the first year in her life when I've not taken her on holiday. They have been to Butlins for a week with my folks* but I can't see me being able to afford to take them away. This makes me sad.

Those people who pay over 50% of their salary on rent? That's me that is. But the girls have a nice home and a good life...and that's what matters.

*The girls bought me little angels from Butlins.

My ma gifted me this candle holder. BLIP!

Sad news today about Chris Brahney, who went to a Stone Roses concert and never made it home. His family and friends did him proud - their appeals were all over Twitter / FB and everywhere in Manchester City Centre. So awful that it ended like this.

Hug your kids tonight...I spoke to Lily, far away in Leeds today. I should do it more often. #rubbishmum

Can't wait for her to be home.


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