Gitama's World

By Gitama

Up @ The Point on a Blustery Afternoon......&.....

....I seems as if we have a new house guest.

First thing this morning I went to check to see if that snake was still there....'Nanny what type of snake is that?' ..... 'It's a carpet snake'........'does that mean it lives under the carpet?'.
He was still there....I think only a young one as it is quite small (from what I can see).......even this evening I went to check when we got home ...and there he still was.....not moved much. 

We went to drive up to Ma and Pa's today....all ready to go in the's sick....again. We got up there via Jaiyas car and I spent a good part of the day sorting Dad out with his new computer...I had been talking to a lady from the blind society and she gave me some awesome tips..telling me of things I had no idea that the Mac computers can do.........We left Dad very pleased with himself with a lot of things to be getting on with.

On the way home we stopped of at the point....I sat out on the blustery headland taking pics of the waves crashing on the rocks  and letting the wind blow all the computer stuff was a bit too blustery for Jaiya but Flynn got out of the car and spent a bit of time running all over the place like a loon....he nearly lost his new hat to the wind but we managed to  grab it just in time.

“May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view.” 
- Edward Abbey

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