Plane Spotting
SWMBO has been in bed all day - so it was just the Cygnet and I.
He still demanded a second breakfast of tea and toasted crumpets of course.
He was pleased as punch when we went to the sorting office to collect a parcel and he was able to hand over the card and take the package.
It is amazing how the simple things can please a child.
Although, granted ... the woman behind the counter was very pleasant and jolly and I may well as not have been there ther way she greeted and chatted to him.
After that we went off to watch the planes landing and taking off.
Talk about chuffed! (yes - that is his happy face for picture taking these days ............ scary)
I spent some time in the garage making a wooden scabard for a Sgian Dubh and hunting for some nice grained wood for a couple of handles for another two blades I have.
Tomorrow I may blip the one made today and a bowl with burnished copper leaf - both of with have been varnished and are sitting drying.
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