Goin' Doon Tha Watter

SWMO and I are away for a couple of days - she needs a wee break after the stresses of the past week or two.

So it was off through Glasgow and Gourock to the ferry to Dunoon (very strnage seeing an ambulance - with 'customers'- going on an ambulance.
From Dunoon it was on to Tighnabruaich.
As we reached the high viewpoint over the Kyles of Bute we stopped to take in the view - just in time to see the Waverly paddeling past. It was just setting off again when we came into town. It is a fast bugger when it heads off!

We were a bit early to book in to the B&B we we took a wee drive through the middle of nowhere.
The only thing that really held us up was a combine harvester trying to get out of a field into the single track road via what must have been a 15 point turn. 10 out f 10 for that one.
Further on we saw a sign at the side of the road for a cafe ......... tea and cake was definately the order of the day as it has been glorious again.
We had to wait a minute or two for the horse and buggy ride to pass before we could get up the lane the cafe - but what an amazing place greeted us.
It was an Aladins cave of goods and trinkets for sale (yes, we treated ourselves to some 'stuff'). As soon as we saw the home made carrot cake the choice was made. So we went out to the patio to wait on the tea and cake.
What a joy that was ...... tables and chairs under umbrellas looking out onto a couple of huge ponds with different coloured water lillies, fish, waterfalls, damsel flies, landscaped grounds and all sorts of sculptures (full sized named ladies in the rushes, gorilla soaking up the sun, giant horse heads in the undergrowth --- that sort of thing) And when the slices of cake arrived with a proper pot of tea (that would give about 3 cups each). they were HUGE.
I was podged when we left.

We then went to the B&B where the lady greeted us like long lost family.

Later it was back down to the pier to watch the kids jumping in and the Waverly coming back. It was packed to the gunwhales with standing room only and lots of very red, sunburnt passengers.

Evening meal was a super fish and chips with a pint in one of the hotels followed by a while on the seafront soaking up the silence and evening warmth.

I held off having a whisky until it was clear that there was going to be no interest in the sky for a sunset shot.

Due to the pretty poor internet connection I am not able to post any of the other shots from today .......... but I will when I get back (not that you are interested)

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