
Today's the day ...................... for a poem

A wonderful, blue-skied, spring-like day today.  Perfect to welcome Mr and Mrs Knottman for coffee this morning.  They came bearing gifts which were all very welcome - as was their good company.

I spent some time in the garden doing a bit of tidying up.  These are what I call my posh snowdrops - a clump given to me by a good friend which has now grown to be quite big..................... 


Fearless fragile, and wondrous winter flower
Lonely lantern bearer, in the darkest hour
Bold witness, to the bitter icy blast
Trembling in defiance, you remain steadfast
Bravely breaching the frozen crystal crust
The truth to tell, propels your thrust.

A pendulous pearl, on cold winter’s ear
Whispering in prophecies, of change and cheer
A pious sister, head bowed in prayer,
Renewing your vows, each start of year
Slender, in habit green and wimple white,
Your mission, to bring forth hope and light.
In sorry orchards, now denuded and forlorn,
Amongst tilted tombstones, all weather worn
From clustered cells, you spread the word
To the winter weary, and those despaired,
The intemperate tyrant is in retreat
Stretching days, will, long night defeat.

Your faith a spur, to the flagging heart
As trust appears, dark doubts depart
The sun scales higher, the leaden sky,
The smothered earth, once more does sigh
Your three-petalled bell, the changes ring
Beyond the bleak horizon, comes jutting spring.

John Armstrong 

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