The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Close encounters ..

I went out into lovely sun to make the most of my last bit of free time. The light was beautiful, but there was little be seen. As I took the scenic route to collect mum I saw this hunting barn owl and drove quickly past him to get to the end of the ditch in time to take a photo - and here it is!

Predictably it was bloody awful, collecting mum. She had no idea who I was, had no intention of going anywhere with me, was quite nasty to me ..  the carers persuaded her out to my van, and she very angrily complied. Pam, the owner of the home watched as the scene unfolded and said to call her tomorrow and if I needed to take mum back then that was fine.

On the journey home mum wittered endlessly about how awful it was, how disgusting, if it wasn't so serious it would be a joke, why was there so much traffic, what had I done with Maggie, how dare I take her from there, when would we be going home etc etc etc

I ignored her, hoping that when we got home and I put her hearing aids into her ears we might manage to have some sort of chat. We sort of have.

She has asked me never to leave her there again (though was clearly perfectly happy there)

I intend to take her there for a couple of days a week in future - and think full time care is probably not too far away.

And then to work out how on earth to make a living - something I've never been particularly good at.

Back blip for yesterday - a little spot the birdie quiz for you!

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