What a day

I woke with a headache and hoped it would lift once I was up - it didn't which was a right nuisance as taking Friend in for her PICC line to be inserted. Well the day didn't get any better. Had to drive round the hospital twice to get to the car park we wanted, hooted at the Junior Dr's twice as they stood with their banners and cups of hot drinks near the roundabout. Once in the car park went round and round looking for a space.Friend went on to her appointment whilst I got some Migraleve tablets from the Pharmacy.  A nurse took me to her and told me she was very anxious - found her in tears in a large, cold room sat on a bed as the staff nurse told her all the things that could go wrong! Decided I couldn't dull my senses with pink tablets so nibbled on the tuna sandwich I had bought so I  could take some nurofen.  
Poor Friend beat down her anxiety but oh dear she was put through it. She has small veins and the one the nurse wanted was next to an artery, after much scanning and then prep of herself and Friends arm she went in. By the second attempt she got the first  line in but then it was hurting so she had to withdraw it. On  the third attempt she caught a nerve and Friend screamed as pain shot down her arm like an electric bolt. This was repeated twice before she said she could try further up the arm or start all over again on the other arm, or see if she could have it done before the chemo the next day - talk about rocks and hard places. Friend decided to go for further up and thankfully she got it in. 
Next stop X-ray to make sure it was in the right place, there had been talk of the jugular vein! Back to the ward to wait the results, where Friend ate my sandwich! Results were fine so finally we set off home,  her arm beginning to  give her sensation  as the anaesthetic she had had put in numerous times began to abate, and my head thumping! We both got home and  when I spoke to her later found we had both slept, her with her cat and me with mine! 
Tomorrow I was supposed to be taking her in again, but she has arranged another lift in and I will join her and then bring her home if my head is clear. So starts the new chemo treatment, hopefully she will not have any real bad effects from it but I fear she is going to have to be brave all over again. Before she knew she was going to have a different regime I had booked her and other friends on a bread making course, the place I had done the natural dye workshop. Thought it would be a fun activity to do - we are not sure she is going to be able to make it. Fingers crossed she will - she so deserves some fun. 

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