
What can I say? The day started good, went bad, got a whole lot worse but ended well! 
Head gone by the morning and just felt fluffy from the painkillers, but I knew it would pass so just pootled till it did. Chicken coop member phoned to say she had found one of the white chickens dead in the coop, what should she do with it! I won't know till I open them tomorrow which one it is, but it's not Estelle which is a comfort. After a bit of discussion it was decided she would find a field away from the allotment and leave the hen there to be eaten by a fox or whatever fancied it. I have no more room on my plot as I discovered when I  inadvertently dug up a previously buried one last time, and the half decomposed rat I had buried on top of it!  I was not in the mood to offer to take care of it, and we decided that the earthworms etc would eat it and it might as well feed another hungry animal. But to leave it on the allotment somewhere would be like advertising free chicken meals to the local badgers and foxes!
Feeling ready to drive into Plymouth I tried contacting Friend to see where she was, to no avail, so I phoned the hospital. To my horror there had been a mix up and she was not having her treatment until 12, she had been told 9. I discovered she was in The Mustard Tree Centre so knew she was somewhere welcoming and comfortable so gathered magazines and food snacks I hoped would tempt her and set off. I found out later People from Boots were there doing a make up tutorial and giving tips on how to disguise eyebrow and eyelash loss. So she had a make over!  
Oh dear what a state she was in when I got there. She had been told about a cold cap she could try to reduce hair loss and had been wearing it for an hour and a half and was in agony and felt sick. She sobbed and apologised for doing so and said she felt like a failure not being able to manage the pain. She knows once her hair is gone it is gone for good, and that she cannot keep her condition a private matter, especially to her clients who have their own mental health problems. So once she was calm I went to find a nurse to remove it. Unfortunately  her nurse was with someone else so took a while to come by which time Friend was throwing up. However once the cap was untightened the pain eased, and after another 15 minutes it could be removed. It has to be fitted closely, with no air bubbles, to stand a chance of being successful. She said it felt like her head was in a vice. When it was taken off she had ice in her hair it was that cold. By this time it was 2 o'clock, the first chemo had gone through,  but she would have had to have worn the hat another 2 hours. As it was we waited another 2 hours for her pump drugs to arrive! There had been some leakage in that department and all the drugs were delayed being prepared. But she was feeling so much better she ate all the snacks I had brought and answered a few messages on her ipad - at least the hospital has free wi-fi! 
So finally pump attached and hung round her neck for the next 48 hours - back to have it disconnected saturday at 4.30! Hopefully  she will be able to do the bread making day as it ends at 3! She was beginning to feel tired and so sat on a chair whilst I got her food from M&S. Finally home at 6. In two weeks time she does it all over again, but no ice cold hell cap and she can have it done in Tavistock,. So fingers crossed she suffers no adverse effects from her new chemo drugs and this will become the new, normal life routine. Can you believe I have written that last sentence - but it's the reality.

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