Two Rants in a Row

Todays rant? It's my annual Florida rant.

To get to the rant, you have to answer a trivia question. What is the state bird of Florida?

You would think that a state that has 1200 miles of coastline, and countless numbers of different shorebirds...would pick one of those birds to represent their state. is this bird...the mockingbird. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? THE MOCKINGBIRD?

They ought to be ashamed of themselves. What a disgrace. They ought to publicly apologize to the pelicans, the egrets, the ospreys, and even the lowly sandwich-stealing seagull.

I'm thinking about calling the governor myself. Someone has to take a stand, and that someone might as well be me. Check out my Flickr page. I got just a glimpse of the baby owl today in the new nest today. He/she is huge.

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