Down the Hatch #2

2 complaints about the fish market and restaurant that I frequent.

1. At the fish market, the fishermen smoke their cigarettes, and then throw the butts into the water. C'mon guys...smoke if you want to, but don't toss 'em into the drink.

2. At the restaurant, I was there this morning when a young man was emptying 2 buckets of fish heads into the water. He tried to shoo away the pelicans, but obviously this pelican nabbed one. Why don't they use the garbage and waste system like everybody else?

That's my rant for the day. I put a few more pictures on my Flickr page. This isn't an official complaint, but I'm waiting for the sun in the Sunshine State. Again, it struggled to hit 60F, and the wind just won't quit.

I HATE WEARING PANTS (long pants, that is!).

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